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Coronavirus: Staying Safe if you are Homeless or Rough Sleeping

As you will have seen in the news, the Government yesterday announced that the UK's response to the Coronavirus outbreak has moved into the "delay" phase, and as such, the guidance for the public has changed.

At HARP, we are aware that it may not be easy or even possible for people who are homeless or rough sleeping to follow the same advice as the general public when it comes to coronovirus or COVID-19. However, those without a home are some of the most vulnerable members of our community, being more likely to have underlying health conditions.

We are working closely with other local agencies and services to ensure that homeless people and rough sleepers in Southend-on-Sea can stay as safe as possible and have access to the latest information on COVID-19 and Coronovirus.

This will be updated and handed out via our Bradbury Day Centre and Outreach Team, and will be updated in line with latest updates and recommendations.

Changes to our Rough Sleeper Breakfast

Please note that, until further notice we will have two 45-minute sittings for the rough sleeper breakfast at the Bradbury Day Centre, 9am and 9.45am

15 visitors will be allowed to enter the dining area for breakfast at 9am for 45mins, at which point they will be asked to leave so that the next 15 people will be allowed to enter for breakfast from 9:45am until 10:30, with 30 minutes left (10:30-11am) for any remaining rough sleepers to access breakfast.

Any rough sleepers wishing to have a shower will have to book a 10 minute slot at reception to return between 11am and 3:30pm. Any assessment work or paperwork that needs completing will also have to be arranged via appointment with specific staff members up until 4pm.

This arrangement allows for additional cleaning to take place and reduces pressure on staff and volunteers as resources are stretched at this difficult time.

Stay up to date Please note: The situation is fast moving, and as such, at HARP we may be unable to keep up with the pace of changes that may come into effect. Therefore, it is important for all of us to keep up to date with the news and the latest recommendations from central Government. This includes via the news and by checking official Government websites for advice.

If you are able to, please keep up to date with the news and by checking official Government websites for advice via the links below: The NHS hub for Coronavirus/Covid-19 updates

If you work for an organisation which works with rough sleepers such as a hostel or day centre, you might like to read this government guidance (published 16th March 2020).

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