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"I really like the cooking club. I have met so many nice friends." - HARP Social Club

At HARP, meaningful activities are crucial and play a huge part in our service users journey towards overcoming homelessness. One of our regular activities is a Social Club at our Bradbury Day Centre, every Wednesday evening.

At this club, residents have the opportunity to socialise, learn new skills and teach each other new skills in the kitchen. Groups like this help boost self-esteem and confidence, and learning to cook, is a vital skill to help our residents on their path to independence.

Del Thomas - Project Worker - Intensive Support said:

"Everyone that attends the Social Club really enjoys the atmosphere. One client from our single-gender emergency accommodation used to be very nervous in social situations and didn't like being in groups of more than one or two people. Since joining the Social Club, she’s been chatting away and even led making dessert one night. She has really come out of her shell! This is a great example of how Meaningful Activities groups can help people in their journey away from homelessness."

One of the attendees, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: "I love going to these clubs because they give me structure. It's also something to do with my day, which keeps me on track."

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