Are you homeless or at risk of homelessness in Southend? Chat to us now, get help online or call 01702 615000
Complex needs
Reports have found that people who are homeless are twice as likely to have a mental health issue than the general population. In the year ending March 2021, 62% of the people we helped reported having experienced mental ill-health.
Everyone who walks through our doors is an individual and we aim to treat them that way by offering them the space and time that they need to recover from the streets. We also give people the opportunity to access support so that, when they’re ready, they have the best possible chance of moving away from homelessness for good.
Through HARP, and our partner agencies, people can access:
GP referrals
Nurse drop-ins
Counselling sessions
Group sessions with STARS
Group support with AA and NA
Art and music projects
Sports training
Budgeting courses
Academic courses
Vocational courses
Employment training
Benefits advice
HARP Transitions Coordinator
“Homelessness often comes with many complex issues. Some people might be battling addiction, while others might have undiagnosed mental health issues or an underlying trauma they have been unable address.”
“That’s why it’s so important that we have different projects, and work with other local agencies, that help people to gain a better understanding of themselves so that they can take positive steps towards a new life.”
Keith moved back to England for help, after his finances and mental health got the better of him. He soon found HARP who helped him turn his life around and discover a new passion for gardening, which he is now pursuing as a career.
Jay, a civil engineer from Rochford, became homeless at the end of last year. After being referred by HARP to the Church Winter Night Shelters and then moving on to HARP accommodation, Jay has accessed the support he needed to overcome homelessness and find a place of his own.
Marie's story
Marie came to HARP when she found herself homeless after spending time in a mental health hospital. Marie has overcome addiction and issues with her mental health and is now supporting female residents at HARP as a volunteer.